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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another Summer Day

It has been pretty warm this summer, whenever we get a chance to go to the pool, we jump on the opportunity. We took Emi's friend Mallory, and met up with Sage's friends Ben & Micah. Sage passed his first pool test so he can go into the deep end, he was pretty stoked. All the kids cheered on, "Go, Sage, go!" as he took his test. It was fun and the water felt really nice.

Later that day, we were invited to go along a class from the local art school to go look at pictographs in our area. Here's one located at the county park.

Due to vandalism, this site was fenced off. Some people just ruin it for everybody else.

Some mortar holes...

Emi's friend's dad, Kim Marcus gave an explanation of the pictographs in front of another site. This one, unfortunately had some vandalism on it. He starts off smoking tobacco... and talked about the power at these sites. It's a shame how we are losing a connection to the earth.

Another site located in a residential area, a small path located between the two boulders on the left takes you down...

At the bottom, another pictograph...this one was well preserved and pretty big.

Kim and another Cahuilla Indian sang some indian songs, while Emi and her friend Mallory danced. Its been really neat having Emi participate in some cultural activities since we get to go along and see things we normally couldn't.

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