The food part of this blog has moved to I'll see all you foodies over there!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Good Reason to Leave School Early

We pulled the kids out of school a little early on Friday to drive down to Oak Glen for some raspberry and apple picking. It was nearing the end of the raspberry season so it took a while to find good ones.
Raspberries are so small, it takes A LOT to fill up this basket, not to mention we were eating half (or more) of what we picked.
We went to an orchard that had both raspberries and apples on the same lot, so we just walked over to the apples.

Don't know if they were pooped out from the tedious raspberry picking, but three of them just sat down under a nice shade while Abby and I did most of the work. Hope this isn't a sign of times to come... ^_^

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