The food part of this blog has moved to I'll see all you foodies over there!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Not Doing Much of Anything

...but working. My first shirt printing job, 155 shirts and caps for Town Hall Baseball all due next Monday. Each shirt has a 2-3 color front, with sponsor and number on the back. It's been five days since I started, things aren't going as smoothly as I thought. That's what I get for being an optimist. It bites me in the ass sometimes. So I haven't baked, cooked (well, barely... David did the cooking all weekend. Too bad he's not home all week...), and surprisingly not taken pictures of food, and won't be for at least several more days. But this is a good learning experience for me. All other jobs after this one will seem easier. Siren Mary asked me to make her a few shirts this week too. It'll be a nice change for a day or two. But it would be nice if I could clone myself...


Anonymous said...

I'm stoked to have you working on our shirts!

saffron said...

Hang in there! I'm sure they'll turn out superb!! Looking forward to seeing them... Go Red Sox!!